Sadly my first PBscience Mallorca training camp has come to an end. We had great 7 days in the Mallorcan spring sun and I've learned a lot. Mostly about the fact that more isn't always better.
The weather was fabulous for this time of the year - every day it was around 15C and sunny. The camp was organised with military precision and professionalism typical to PBscience but also with enough flexibility to allow for plans to be modified to suit our goals.
We had a group of 15 athletes, all very fit, as our mountain time trial demonstrated, but with some very different goals at different times of the year, which no doubt provided a challenge for our coaches to plan the daily activities to suit everyone. They did a sterling job and I think everybody left the camp on Saturday having fulfilled their camp goals.
The coaches guided us carefully and with a great degree of knowledge and professionalism in the direction that would provide the best return on our time investment in reaching our season's goals, but left the decision to follow these guidelines to us. All decisions have some form of consequences and the time will tell whether we made the right decisions or not - this is all part of the learning process.
Of course there was also a fun element to the camp and some of us provided some additional entertainment in a form of a "washing up in the dishwasher" incident or similar. There was some serious coffee drinking too - after training ;)
Personally I couldn't be happier with the outcome of the camp. I'm leaving stronger than I was when I arrived but also less tired, having been recovering really well - remarkable. The training was less volume orientated but with better quality and a big focus on recovery. My personal favourite day was the "mountain" ride including Col de Soller and Puig Major.
As for the numbers, my time trial time was 24:1 and I averaged a 298W. A couple of weeks ago I didn't think this wold have been possible, but the camp was a real eye opener.
I hope better things are yet to come this year.