Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ironman European Championships

So close yet so far away... This pretty much sums up my performance at the European Ironman Championships in Frankfurt on the 4th July.

This is one of my favorite races on the Ironman circuit and the race where I qualified for Hawaii in 2005 so I was going into the race with a clear objective: qualify for the World Championships in Hawaii in the 40-44 age group. My preparation has gone well, despite having only 6 weeks of hard training, but I was feeling strong, rested and confident.

We arrived in Frankfurt on Friday, before the German World Cup game against Argentina. It was a hot couple of nights, both weather-wise and with the electric atmosphere after the German win.

The day before race the organizers announced that the water temperature in the lake reached over 24C and it will be a non-wetsuit swim. They've also announced a new rule that any race suits that contain silicone will not be allowed. This caused a great deal of consternation to both all the retailers and athletes as nobody knew what will actually be allowed on the race day as this contradicted previous rules. I decided to go with my old and tried 2XU suit.

The night before the race day was hot and sleepless as usual, this time mainly due to all the Germans celebrating the World Cup win, but on race morning I woke up rested and ready to go nevertheless and the weather was cooler than in the days preceding the race.

I got to race start in plenty of time for a change, pumped my tires, took care of "nature call" and even had plenty of time to relax. I wanted to get into the water in plenty of time so I proceeded to the start early but got stopped by a referee saying that my tri suit is illegal and I will not be allowed to start. There was a growing group of athletes who have also been stopped. After much discussions, stomping and cursing in German, English and Spanish we were eventually allowed to go to the swim, but by then it was too late for any warmup or start place selection. I knew that with 2300 athletes starting it was going to be a rough swim but had not much choice but to position myself in the middle and try to move as forward as possible.

The gun soon went off and it immediately felt like I was in a washing machine. I've never been in such a rough swim. I went under water several times, drank plenty of water, got hit and kicked and goggles knocked off twice. I was hoping that it would get better after a couple of hundred meters, but then the swimmers from the right and left side decided to converge in the middle it after a while I was loosing all hope. I got out after the first lap and was shocked looking the the watch showing 45 min for the first lap. Fortunately the second lap was a bit better I had a bit more space and picked up the paces slightly coming out in 1:24. Still by far my slowest swim ever, even slower than the Hawii non-wetsuit swim.

Onto the bike and I felt immediately better and much happier having survived the swim. The bike was fairly uneventful. I rode strongly but within myself on the three climbs and picked up a lot of places on the descents. 5:14 bike split for 185 km as the course was extended by 5km because of roadworks. Happy with that as the extra 5km was worth at least 7 min, which would make it close to my best time on this course.

The run is 4 laps, flat and fast and I knew it was going to be hot. I started conservatively and after the first lap Alex told me I was in 90 place in my age group and passed 30 on the first lap. I try to keep the pace going throwing down as much coke as I could and an occasional gel. I went through a bit of a bad patch at half way but after some extra coke and some red bull I got a bit better and was able to push through to the finish. 3:17 run split - not my best, but respectable.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to pass enough runners to get into the qualifying places (24) and ended up in 35th place in my age group with a time 2 seconds outside 10 hours.

In the end I missed the automatic qualifying spot by 10 minutes and a roll-down slot by just over 3 minutes. Disappointing not to achieve the big goal of the season of qualifying for Hawaii, but that's racing and that's how it goes sometimes. No excuses, though, I had a reasonable race, except for the swim, but just wasn't good enough to contend. Next race - ITU LD World Championships in Immenstadt.

my travel blog:

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